fifteen minutes of mantra-filled oompah

April 27, 2007

The Majesty That Is Francis Gordon Sidebottom

So, last night I, and a couple of mates, went to see the God-like genius that is Frank Sidebottom at the Other Side Comedy Club in Scarborough. Frank's someone I've wanted to see for absolutely years so I was ecstatic when I heard he was playing these parts.

What can I say? Yer Man Sidebottom was utterly fabulous, did a decent length slot of about an hour and three-quarters and had the audience in the palm of his hand. The only thing I was a bit gutted about was that he didn't sing 'I Should Be So Lucky', but he did do some Queen songs and his 'Manchester Medley' as well as 'Hit The North'. Some of the stuff he did is available for download on his MySpace site, so it's with a trip.

Danny (sorry mate, I couldn't actually hear your surname) the support act was a top bloke too and became even funnier when basically the PA decided to die on him. The look on his face when the compère said, 'I've got to nip home to get some new leads', and someone mentioned he lived in York was just priceless. And his story about getting his collar felt in Kuala Lumpur was good too.

And I got my DVD signed too. What a guy. The only downside was that I couldn't get home last night, but luckily I discovered that Dave's settee isn't that uncomfortable.


Stephen said...

Not being able to get home after a gig - reminds me of a trip to see Half Man Half Biscuit in Sunderland. It's a long walk from Sunderland to Durham!

malleus bardorum said...

D'You know, I actually mentioned that very experience to the people I was with last night. They laughed.

Wonder where Stu is now?