fifteen minutes of mantra-filled oompah

February 02, 2010

A collection of stuff

It's a long time since I write here, for one reason or another. I have resolved to myself that I will make more effort to do it.

Last night I managed to watch two decent programmes on TV. The first was Terry Pratchett's Dimbleby Lecture, which was funny, touching and thoughtful in equal measure. Much like his books in fact. It's a point of view to which I actively subscribe; I want to decide the time and manner of my death if there is a danger that my life will end in irreversible decline and pain.

Just a little after was Aleks Krotoski's Virtual Revolution, which I found a minor disappointment. I found the analysis just a touch one-dimensional and partial. TBL was there, of course. But no Marc Andreesen? Hardly anyone from early DARPA. And a lot of talk about The Well, which gave a chance to concentrate on John Perry Barlow for while. I found some of the discussion about social mores and interations just a bit, well, glib to be honest. I'll persist, but wonder if it will improve over the weeks.

And finally: a quick note to Lord Mandelson (and David Lammy), who seem to think that rippping a huge hole in university budgets will have no effect on students. My repsonse can be summarised in but one word. Bullshit.

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